Amethyst belongs to the quartz group of minerals and one of the most valuable & the precious stone. It owes its purple/violet color to iron & aluminum impurities. A rich purple colored with rose flashes is the most valuable one. It is a birthstone for those who belong to zodiacal.
Peridot is a natural stone with luscious green color, and one of the most appealing gemstones. Peridot is a transparent gemstone with an oily lustre and usually olive and can protect the wearer from negativity or evil eye. Peridot has just one characteristic color and composed of magnesium-iron silicate complex..
Rodholite Garnet is a composition of pyrope and almandine. It is a purplish-red colored garnet. A high-quality Rodholite garnet gemstone exhibits a vitreous luster and doesn’t have any visible inclusions and has a high refractive index. The gemstone is thought to be a traveler’s stone and promote successful business and.
Black spinel is a very rare gemstone often confused with black tourmaline. Black spinel stone is an opaque, jet black version of red spinel made up of hard vitreous magnesium aluminum. Black spinel has a hardness of 8 on Mohs scale, and available with different colors like pink, purple, rich.
Aquamarine induces the purity of crystalline waters, and the name aquamarine came from the Latin aqua marinus, and its meaning is “water of the sea”. Aquamarine is a transparent crystal with pale blue color, and member of Beryl family. It also sometimes comes with bluish green color due to iron.
Labradorite is related to the feldspar group with calcium & sodium components. The stone is often used to create earrings, attractive pendants, and beaded jewelry like chains. Labradorite gemstone is a durable material with a hardness of 6-6.5 (on Mohs scale), but softer than quartz. Color of Labradorite is gray.
With white orthoclase inclusions and layers, Rainbow Moonstone has a milky patchy appearance. Moonstone is not hard but still most popular gemstone for jewelry and it’s a variety of orthoclase feldspar. The gemstone acts as a prism, provides psychic protection, calm sleep, clearing the mind and senses. It also connects.
Golden Pyrite is an opaque gemstone with a metallic sheen & exhibits reflective luster. It is a strong masculine crystal composed of earth and fire elements. Sometimes, it used to have a brown to rust-red weathering skin due to minute crystals. This stone can be used as a protective stone,.