Bumble Bee Jasper doesn’t contain quartz, but composed of hematite, sulfur, etc. The yellow color of this gemstone is because of sulfur (wash your hands after handling since it is toxic). Its energy helps you to be positive and confident in all that you are doing, along with accepting changes,.
Rose Quartz belong to the family of macrocrystalline quartz, and it has large crystals which can be distinguished by naked eyes. This quartz is mainly transparent to translucent with a vitreous luster, and that’s what makes rose quartz somewhat unusual. Rose quartz can be used both as an ornamental stone.
Labradorite is related to the feldspar group with calcium & sodium components. The stone is often used to create earrings, attractive pendants, and beaded jewelry. Labradorite gemstone is a durable material with a hardness of 6-6.5 (on Mohs scale), but softer than quartz. Color of Labradorite is gray/blue with colorful.
Gray Moonstone is a popular and rare gemstone belongs to the group of feldspar minerals. The clarity/cleanness is an essential factor of gray moonstone. It is also called as “New Moon Stone” as it carries the mysteries and powers of the new moon. Moonstone is not hard as other gems.
Garnet is a group of silicate minerals, and it’s a durable stone with a hardness rating of 7 to 7.5 on Moh’s scale. Garner gemstone is available in different colors & offers great versatility. Usually, garnets look like bright red seeds of a pomegranate, and commonly found in wine red.
Amethyst belongs to the quartz group of minerals and one of the most valuable & the precious stone. It owes its purple/violet color to iron & aluminum impurities. A rich purple colored with rose flashes is the most valuable one. It is a birthstone for those who belong to zodiacal.
Silverite is typically a sapphire. White Silverite is transparent to opaque crystal, a variety of corundum, and an aluminum oxide mineral which occurs in prismatic rhombohedral, tabular crystals, etc. The white color of this stone is due to the inclusion of titanium and iron. Using white Silverite gemstone, you’ll be able.
Smoky Quartz (QTZ) is a popular variety of quartz. This Smoky QTZ is semi-transparent or transparent gemstones and has an unusual color like brown, gray or nearly black and can be easily recognized. This gem brings light, truth, and positivity in your life. And, due to earthy tone and tribal.
Russian Amazonite is an extremely ancient gemstone, and a variety of green microcline feldspar. The stone is typically opaque to translucent and has a vitreous luster. The healing powers of Amazonite are able to simulate the better emotions & personality traits. It is believed to be very effective in every.