Amethyst belongs to the quartz group of minerals and one of the most valuable & the precious stone. It owes its purple/violet color to iron & aluminum impurities. A rich purple colored with rose flashes is the most valuable one. It is a birthstone for those who belong to zodiacal.
Amazonite, also known as the Amazon Stone. Amazonite is a green/blue-green semi-precious gemstone often found with white, and a silky or silver shine. A relatively good polish, and somewhat raw with natural texture makes it even more appealing to most of the people.
This faceted semi-precious gemstone is in a arrowhead.
Prehnite gemstone is primarily made of calcium and aluminum. This pale yellow-green stone can be polished smooth to make beautiful milky translucent jewelry especially bracelets and other jewelry like chains, rings, etc. Prehnite gemstone can also be used for meditation as it has the power to connect with angels &.
Milky Aquamarine is a variety of beryl, and one of the most precious gems. The stone is exceptionally hard (ranging from 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness) and has vitreous glass like luster, also famous for its sea-blue colors. Aquamarine is an all time favorite gemstone.
Labradorite is related to the feldspar group with calcium & sodium components. The stone is often used to create earrings, attractive pendants, and beaded jewelry. Labradorite gemstone is a durable material with a hardness of 6-6.5 (on Mohs scale), but softer than quartz. Color of Labradorite is gray/blue with colorful.
Hessonite is a variety of grossularite and member of garnet species. Hessonite often called cinnamon stone due to its distinct color. It may range in color from honey yellow to brown red, golden orange, and the most desirable one is bright golden orange stone. The stone also called a traveler’s.
Green Onyx is a special smoothing stone in Onyx gemstone family. It’s a combination of green and Onyx slide. The stone can be used as a pendant or a ring. A green onyx gemstone helps in developing public speaking skills, confidence, creativeness, also encourage expressing feelings and thoughts.
This faceted semi-precious.
Green Amethyst is also known as Prasiolite which is a heat-treated form of natural amethyst. This gemstone is a pale green form of quartz. Amethyst turns green due to addition of radiation, else amethyst usually turns orange or yellow, producing citrine. Green Amethyst is a popular gemstone in jewelry making.
Gray Moonstone is a popular and rare gemstone belongs to the group of feldspar minerals. The clarity/cleanness is an essential factor of gray moonstone. It is also called as “New Moon Stone” as it carries the mysteries and powers of the new moon. Moonstone is not hard as other gems.