Lapis Lazuli, also referred as just Lapis is technically defined as a rock which is composed of Lazurite, calcite, sodalite, and pyrite. Lapis occur opaque in clarity & the light blue color of it’s due to sulfur coloring agents. Lapis is one of the most popular gemstones today and considered.
Iolite is a transparent gemstone and a form of cordierite. The color of iolite is typically light to dark blue and violet. The stone appears to be opaque (transparent to translucent in clarity). The hardness of iolite (7-7.5) makes it suitable as a jewelry gemstone for brooches, bracelets, pendants, necklaces,.
Black spinel is a very rare gemstone often confused with black tourmaline. Black spinel stone is an opaque, jet black version of red spinel made up of hard vitreous magnesium aluminum. Black spinel has a hardness of 8 on Mohs scale, and available with different colors like pink, purple, rich.
Russian Amazonite is an extremely ancient gemstone, and a variety of green microcline feldspar. The stone is typically opaque to translucent and has a vitreous luster. The healing powers of Amazonite are able to simulate the better emotions & personality traits. It is believed to be very effective in every.
Milky Aquamarine is a variety of beryl, and one of the most precious gems. The stone is exceptionally hard (ranging from 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness) and has vitreous glass like luster, also famous for its sea-blue colors. Aquamarine is an all time favorite gemstone.
Gray Moonstone is a popular and rare gemstone belongs to the group of feldspar minerals. The clarity/cleanness is an essential factor of gray moonstone. It is also called as “New Moon Stone” as it carries the mysteries and powers of the new moon. Moonstone is not hard as other gems.
Golden Rutile is a variety of clear quartz. The needle-like pieces of golden rutile are often called as The Hairs of Venus. This stone has powerful healing properties that can clear the energy blockages and stimulates the alignment of the body and mind. The extra energy the stone provides more.
Chrysoprase is an apple-green gemstone variety of Chalcedony, which contains small quantities of nickel. Due to its refreshing green color, the stone is one of the most prized varieties of quartz. The stone is a member of cryptocrystalline composed of fine crystals & hence cannot be seen as distinct particles.